Color Inspiration – Green Kitchen Cabinets

Color inspiration - green kitchen cabinets from Mak Architecture

Today’s color inspiration post is specifically inspiration for my mom and me to use for her kitchen. As I shared with you yesterday, my mom and I are going to tackle a relatively budget-friendly makeover on her kitchen soon. But what I didn’t share with you yesterday (because I didn’t talk to her about colors until yesterday afternoon) is that we’ll be painting the walls a light non-white neutral color, and painting the cabinets green. We’re not aiming for a bold, saturated green like I had on my original kitchen cabinets. My mom isn’t quite as bold with her color choices as I am. 🙂 Instead, we’ll be aiming for a lighter, softer, more neutral and earthy green. Here are some examples of green that might work… 1. Green kitchen cabinets from Oak Design Project This just might be the perfect shade of green for a person who wants some color, but not color that’s too bold, too eye-catching, and too saturated. This beautiful green is still easy on the eyes, somewhat neutral, and not too dark, while still adding color to the room. 2. Green kitchen island from Natasha Schue This is a very similar green as the one […]

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